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John Stossell does a very good job explaining how “insurance affects costs. The 3 words in the English language that causes the greatest inflation are “I have insurance”. Think about it….Call a plumber and tell him you have a leaking pipe upstairs. What will he do? He’ll come by, and give you 2 estimates, one will be the cheapest way to fix it, the other will be more. Tell him you have insurance, and he will likely not only do the more expensive method, but might replace a large part of your wall as well.

The following 3 videos talk about a new product called “Critical Insurance”.

Critical Insurance was first developed by world famous heart surgeon, Dr. Marius Barnard, who, with his brother Christiaan, performed the worlds first successful human-to-human heart transplant in South Africa in 1967. Critical Insurance fills a need that no other insurance product does. It pays a lump sum of tax free cash upon diagnosis of one of a number of specified illnesses which can be used to replace lost income during a lengthy illness, to pay off your debt, or to pay for the treatment YOU chose, regardless of whether it is covered under your health insurance or not. Critical Insurance is not available in all states.
Many medical bankruptcies in America are due to serious illnesses, this kind of product protects against these bankruptcies.

Here is another, a friend of mine, the late Jack Perry

Another one, only 9 minutes long:

And one more:

2 Comments leave one →
  1. Charley permalink
    April 6, 2010 12:22 pm

    Well done, Ralph!

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